VEX V5 Workcell Storage (276-7899)
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The V5 Workcell Storage Kit (276-7899) is made for the V5 Workcell Kit (276-7900). This kit includes the following items:
- (3) Storage Bins
- (3) Storage Trays
- (3) Storage Bin Lids
A full breakdown of the recommended sorting layouts for the V5 Workcell Kit Contents is available at the links below.
Storage Bin 1 (Hardware)
- V5 Workcell Kit Storage - Bin 1: Base - STEM Labs Hardware
- V5 Workcell Kit Storage - Bin 1: Tray - STEM Labs Hardware
Storage Bin 2 (Tools and Electronics)
- V5 Workcell Kit Storage - Bin 2: Tray 1 - Electronics and Tools
- V5 Workcell Kit Storage - Bin 2: Tray 2 - Electronics and Tools
- V5 Workcell Kit Storage - Bin 2: Base - Electronics and Tools
Storage Bin 3 (Competition Hardware)
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