The iDESIGN Events (Training Sessions, Webinars, etc) are delivered using the Zoom platform and led by by one of our iDESIGN team members and/or a product or subject professional.  These are all live events where there are opportunities to chat with fellow attendees and instructor at our webinars.

If you're looking for a specific training session for your board, school, or classroom, our training expert Dean Jacksch ZOOM's across North America to deliver a multitude of training sessions for both teachers and students. He specializes in programming and strategy.

We guarantee you will walk away with a greater knowledge of these STEM solutions by attending one or more of these FREE events. 

3D Printing at York Region District School Board 

As YRDSB's approved vendor, we're here to help schools around York Region discover the potential successes from introducing 3D Printers into your schools. Whether you're ready to purchase your very first printer or you're looking to include a multitude of printers into your maker space, this webinar will walk you through the various printers that have been approved and are available to you for purchase. Plus, we will discuss how exactly to put in a purchase with your school as well as provide you with some free resources to get started or inspire new lessons!  

Meeting the new Ontario Science Curriculum 

Join the iDESIGN Team to learn more about what the curriculum changes mean for you and how to meet the specific curriculum expectations using various STEM Educational products. You'll learn how to meet this challenge with products such as VEX Robotics, Dobot Automation, and other STEM solutions.  

STE(A)M Skills for Early Elementary Students 

From rescuing villagers from a dragon to designing some fun Halloween costumes, these small robots are the perfect addition for your primary students. Combine art and literacy with coding to create interactive lessons for young minds.

The VEX 123 can be used in 3 different ways, increasing in difficulty to meet students at their level or allow more advanced learners to become challenged with lessons. Register now to join us for this introduction to the VEX 123.  

Hands-on Building and Coding Robotics for Elementary Students 

The VEX GO teaches the fundamentals of STEM through fun, hands-on activities that help young students perceive coding and engineering in a fun and positive way! It keeps them engaged before they form negative perceptions of their STEM and coding abilities. VEX GO is an affordable plastic construction system for elementary students to create simple builds that tap into their natural inquisitiveness. VEX GO allows teachers to adapt lessons for art, coding, design, engineering, math, and science with minimal instructions needed to begin. Join us in this webinar for an introduction to VEX GO.