Brand: VEX Robotics
Product Code: 280-8291
Availability: In Stock
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EX EXP is built for teaching STEM fundamentals to students in grades 9+. EXP Education Bundles make STEM manageable for teachers and fun for students! 

Classrooms Done Right
Classroom Bundles are the perfect solution for individual STEM classrooms. Bundles come in three sizes and include robots, engineering notebooks, extra parts and classroom charging.

Coding Done Right
VEXcode V5 supports Blocks, C++ and Python coding. Available for Chromebooks, Tablets, Windows and Macs

Curriculum Done Right
Our latest research-backed educational solution is called STEM Labs. These lessons can be utilized in sequential order to create unique, extended learning experiences. STEM Labs promote collaboration and exploratory learning.

Go Further with STEM Games
Bring the excitement of competition to your classroom with STEM Games.  Classroom bundles contain everything you need including configurable game fields and game objects.  STEM Games work closely with STEM Labs to challenge your students to apply their newly developed STEM skills in a friendly and challenging set of robot games.


Bundle SizeSmall ClassroomClassroomLarge Classroom
Number of Students102030
EXP Education Kits51015
Field Tiles163248
Field Walls163248
Game Objects (balls and rings)122436
Parts Poster(s)123
Extra Tools51015
Classroom Charger (For 5 robots)123
Spare Parts Kit with Storage123