VEXcode VR
Learn Computer Science at home without a robot.
Go to VR VEX

Easy to get started
VEXcode VR lets you code a virtual robot using a block based coding environment powered by Scratch Blocks. VEXcode VR is based on VEXcode, the same programming environment used for VEX 123, GO, IQ and V5 robots. We all know that robots make Computer Science (CS) come to life with real world applications. Now STEM learning can continue while at home for students, teachers and mentors with no access to their VEX robots.

We know there are many online coding options available. We all know that robots motivate kids to learn. VEX Robotics and VEXcode are providing opportunities for students of all ages to participate in learning the code that makes these robots work. VEX makes computer science and STEM come to life through collaborations, hands-on projects, and engaging experiences. From classrooms to competitions, VEXcode helps to create the next generation of innovators.
Why VEXcode VR?
- Developing coding solutions with a robot provides a relevant context for engaging students in CS.
- Robot with sensors and physics integrate CS into STEM.
- Virtual Playgrounds help to contextualize STEM learning and authentic student inquiry.
- Activities provide a structured and approachable STEM learning experience.
- VEXcode VR knowledge and principles translate directly to VEX 123, GO, IQ, and V5.
Web Based
No software installations required. VEXcode VR works in all major desktop and tablet browsers.

Virtual Robots
These robots are pre-built. Use drivetrains to navigate. Use sensors to help solve mazes. Use pen features on the art canvas to code a creative drawing. Use the new electromagnet to interact with game objects in challenges.

Virtual Playgrounds
Choose from different virtual 3D playgrounds to take advantage of the virtual robot’s features. Control your point of view as the robot runs your code. Playgrounds include a grid world, an art canvas, and a walled maze. Many more will be added.
Challenges & Activities
Our team of education experts created easy to follow activities that can be implemented easily. Activities are in Google Docs, so teachers can add to or edit the activities.
Live Dashboard
Visualize data on the playgrounds dashboard.
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