STEAM Made Simple!
Ozobot products are very popular for introducing logical thinking and coding to young learners, through the use of color coded markers and the line/color following Ozobot robot. Instructions on how to make the Ozobot move forward, backward, turn and do other tricks are included with the self-moving Ozobot. There is no assembly required with this robot. Color Codes, made with markers on paper, are used to teach basic STEAM skills, critical thinking, and debugging. These color codes make Ozobot react and move! This allows students, at an early age, learn how physical objects respond to command inputs (in this case by color). Learners then move online and code with "blocks" using the free OzoBlockly software. OzoBlockly, powered by Google’s Blockly, has five skill levels for beginner to master coding.
Evo is a desk-friendly robot packed with the following technology features:
- Bluetooth® Smart connection (30 ft. range)
- Proximity sensors* for Tricks and obstacle detection
- Optical sensors* for detecting lines and color codes
- LED lights*
- Built-in speaker*
- Strong polycarbonate shell
- Automatic firmware updates
- Regular app updates with new features and games
- Rechargeable LiPo battery (60 min. charge time)
* Program these Evo features and more with OzoBlockly!
Included with your purchase:
- 1 Evo robot
- 1 charging cable
- 4 Color Code markers
- 1 Educator Bot Camp
- 150+ free STEAM lessons